MTC30 Series

Baseplate cooled 30W COTS DC-DC converters for defense & avionics applications

The MTC30 is a COTS DC-­DC converter developed specifically for the defense and avionics market. This product has a full military specification while offering the short lead­times and cost benefits of a COTS component.

The MTC30 uses a forward converter design switching at 450kHz giving excellent size, efficiency and EMC performance. The input range is designed to provide short term operation over 10V to 50VDC to enable the converter to work at full power through the dips and surges commonly seen in vehicle and aircraft applications. A soft start circuit provides well­controlled outputs with no overshoot.

Comprehensive control functions such as voltage trim, remote sense, inhibit and frequency synchronization to an external source are standard features. The MTC30 contains an over temperature warning signal that gives user control over the temperature shutdown function of the converter.

The internal filtering meets the conducted emission requirements of MIL­-STD-461E/F/G without external components. When used in conjunction with the MTF input filter module the MTC30 complies to MIL-­STD-461E/F/G CE/CS, MIL-­STD-1275A­E and MIL-­STD-704A­F.



  • Regulated single outputs 3.3V to 28VDC
  • Regulated dual output ±15VDC
  • 10V to 40VDC input range
  • 10V to 50VDC transient input range
  • Baseplate cooled
  • Designed for vetronic & avionic use
  • MIL-STD-461 & DEF-STAN-59-411
  • MIL-STD-1275 & DEF-STAN-61-5
  • -40°C to +100°C operating temperature
  • -55°C operation available on certain models
  • 3 year warranty
Image Model Name Power Input Voltage Output Voltage Output Current Datasheet Stock Check RFQ
MTC3028D15 30W 10 to 50VDC 15V, -15V 1.6A, 1.6A Datasheet Stock RFQ
MTC3028S05 30W 10 to 50VDC 5V 5A Datasheet Stock RFQ
MTC3028S12 30W 10 to 50VDC 12V 2.7A Datasheet Stock RFQ
MTC3028S28 30W 10 to 50VDC 28V 1.25A Datasheet Stock RFQ