Maynard Floyd, XP Power’s Director of Product Management, looks at how high voltage power integration into advanced manufacturing applications enables a competitive advantage.
- Advanced manufacturing methods are helping companies gain competitive advantage through reducing inefficiencies.
- Systems designers face numerous challenges when integrating high voltage into advanced manufacturing applications.
- Full support from your power solution provider during the selection, optimization, and integration process is essential.
How do manufacturing companies stay one step ahead of the field? Many are now relying on cutting-edge advanced manufacturing methods to steal the advantage over their competitors.
Advanced manufacturing methods like electron beam welding and additive manufacturing can be used to manufacture products which wouldn’t be possible through more traditional methods. And with sustainability firmly ingrained into business objectives, advanced manufacturing methods holds huge appeal for companies looking to reduce their carbon footprint.
The benefits of advanced manufacturing
Advanced manufacturing methods are designed to remove inefficiencies of any kind to substantially boost yields, reduce waste and ultimately give manufacturers a competitive advantage. It has the following benefits:
- Easier low volume manufacturing offers flexibility for manufacturers
- More complex geometries or welds can be achieved
- Faster throughput increases yield
- Less material is required which reduces raw material costs
- Less waste is produced which is beneficial to the environment
- Agile manufacturing processes allow design iterations during development
- Improved quality of end products improves output
- Reduced number of processes improves time efficiencies
- Lightweight, complex metal parts can be produced, reducing fuel consumption in end products for the automotive and aerospace industries.
Integrating high voltage to speed up advanced manufacturing adoption
Advanced manufacturing applications such as e-beam welding and e-beam additive manufacturing require high voltage but integrating this into a new tool or system is challenging. All too often, designers and systems engineers have only limited high voltage knowledge, few resources, and tight project deadlines. Make sure to consider the following features and benefits when selecting a power supply:
- Low ripple and noise to guarantee the performance and accuracy of the tool.
- Low cost of ownership to facilitate integration and use.
- Various input and output control options, required voltage accuracy levels, low output discharge currents, and compliance certificates to help speed time to market.
- Technical support and full aftercare service from your provider for confidence and peace of mind.
How we help you find the right solution
Our global design-in and technical support ensures your high voltage power supply provides precision, accuracy and repeatability for your application. With proven products such as our HRL30 series, HCV series, and FT series, we have a standard, modified or custom high voltage power solution to suit your application. And with our extensive design validation and testing processes, you can be confident that efficiency, safety, and reliability are front of mind.

HRL30 Series
If you’re interested in talking to us about high voltage power integration for advanced manufacturing applications, then please contact us.