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Medical power supplies: Trends, challenges & design approaches

Medical electronic equipment is getting smaller. Techniques for managing design trade-offs.

Technical Articles

95% high efficiency power supply changes systems design

Combining the best of proven design technologies with creative mechanical design.

Technical Articles

Hi-pot type testing of power supplies

Expert insight into 'type' testing of power supplies.

Technical Articles

Medical safety standard impacts power supply selection

Third edition of how medical safety standard impacts on power supply selection

Technical Articles

Understanding AC-DC power supply efficiency

Smaller power supplies goes hand in hand with the need for greater efficiency.

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Powering communications in harsh environments

Power supplies for harsh, remote environments bring many design issues.

Technical Articles

Digital signals & controls are in increasing demand

Our Technical Directors expert view.

Technical Articles

Low intensity light detection requires high stability, low noise electronic circuitry

When it comes to low intensity light detection, performance requirements often lead to selecting devices with greater se...

Technical Articles

System integration of baseplate cooled converter modules, or ‘bricks’

Baseplate cooled power converter modules, also known as bricks, provide building block power solutions for integration i...

Technical Articles

Next-generation, miniature high voltage power modules

More watts per cubic inch, reduced power consumption & smart features for control and safety.

Technical Articles

Minimizing the impact of source resistance on high-voltage DC to DC converters

Avoiding power-loss & reduced long-term reliability in converters.

Technical Articles

Safety of household & similar electrical appliances

Designing to meet the requirements of EN 60335.

Technical Articles